Divorce. You did not plan it, and did not prepare for it, but it is now staring you in the face. Divorce is one of the top ten most stressful life events, and has been studied by doctors in the connection of illness and stressful life events. Divorce does not define you but it feels like it does because it impacts your day-to-day existence with significant changes in emotions, finances, and personal relationships with family members and friends. These changes may be chaotic, confusing, difficult, and unexpected. We can help.
Brusca Law in Orlando has experience with anticipating these many changes and knows how to guide you through this process in a way that reduces some of the confusion and prepares you for these life changes. Regardless of whether you move forward with a separation or a divorce, we know how to guide and help you through the divorce process and smooth the way through some of the complications, including in the following areas:
• Alimony and Temporary Spousal Support
• Child Support and Time-Sharing Schedules
• Equitable Distribution of marital assets and debts
• Parenting Plans
• Relocations
• Temporary Attorney Fees During Your Case
• Possession of the Marital Home During Divorce
Some of our clients believe divorce in Florida is similar to what they see in the movies or hear from their friends who went “through the same thing”. They hear all sorts of phrases, do their internet research, and believe they have an idea of what divorce in Florida entails. Unfortunately, divorce in Florida is complicated, and remains complicated because divorces can be vastly different depending on the Judge, the attorneys involved, and on the specific facts of your case.
Hire an experienced Orlando divorce attorney to help you in the beginning of your case and plan a roadmap that meets you and your family’s needs. Brusca Law uses a variety of conflict resolving techniques to help resolve your case efficiently, including using tools such as pre-suit mediations and settlement conferences.